Jackson Calls For Action On Bill C-31

Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 14:21



The NDP candidate in Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River wants to know why First Nations leaders aren’t doing more to fight for the amendment of Bill C-31.


Anita Jackson says she is constantly hearing from First Nations women that the 1985 amendment of the Indian Act is discriminating, and that First Nations children are losing their status at an alarming rate due to the provisions in the legislation.


Jackson says the logical extension to the current situation is there will eventually be no more status Indians.


She believes that First Nations leaders need to prioritize the issue to have it changed.


She says, ironically, the amendment was passed to end sexual discrimination — but it has ended up perpetuating it.


Jackson adds if she wins the seat in the northern riding, she will be pushing this issue forward in Ottawa.