Elder Josie Searson at Juno beach (Photo Credit: Veronica Davidson)

Elder Josie Searson, a veteran of the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S), was requested by the MN-S and Veteran Affairs Canada to attend the some of the events for the 80th anniversary of D-Day in France.

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day in France, veteran Josie Searson was given a unique and esteemed opportunity to attend some of the events. She played a significant role in the commemorative ceremonies by offering heartfelt prayers and blessings in both Cree and English with Padre LCol. Michel Dion at Beny-sur-Mer and Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemeteries.

“The thing that really stands out for me are the “super heroes,” the survivors of World War 2. We had, from my count today, 10 survivors, and the eldest were husband and wife, they were 102 and 104 years old,” explained Searson.

The invitation for Searson to participate in the anniversary celebrations, showcases a deep respect for her service and a recognition of her role in Canada’s military history.

It also highlights the importance of honoring all veterans and acknowledging their invaluable contributions. 

“This is the biggest request I have had, but it has been really wonderful to be here,” said Searson.

Her contribution to the special ceremonies added a cultural touch and brought a sense of solemnity and gratitude to the events.

As Searson stood among her fellow veterans, dignitaries, and spectators in France, her presence served as a reminder of the enduring legacy of those who served during World War II. Her words of prayer and blessing carried a message of hope, remembrance, and gratitude, touching the hearts of all those present and emphasizing the significance of honoring our past and those who shaped it. 


Elder Josie Searson giving a blessing in Cree and English in Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery (Photo Credit: Veronica Davidson)