The provincial government is providing additional funding for the Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp near Pinehouse.

The province announced Thursday that the annual $700,000 in operational funding for the wellness camp will be increased to $1.6 million.

According to the government, the additional funding will allow the camp to increase its 12 temporary spaces to 15 permanent in-patient treatment spaces.

With the new funding, the wellness camp will also be able to serve 120 patients per year.

The camp is operated by the Kineepik Metis Local and has been in operation for over 37 years.

In September 2023, the province provided nearly $250,000 in funding for capital upgrades at the wellness camp.

“We are very grateful for the support of the government for the ongoing operation of Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp,” Kineepik Métis Local #9 Health and Wellness Manager Kimberly Smith said. “We can continue our journey of creating a culturally appropriate response to recovery by offering a unique path of healing as our camp intertwines land-based practices, western programming and uses the wisdom of our people.”

The government has been committed to adding 500 addictions treatment spaces to the province.

The 15 spaces at Muskwa Lake brings the total new spaces to 213 so far.