The Lucky Man Cree Nation App was created to help the leadership of Lucky Man Cree Nation communicate with their membership at a moment’s notice and allow members to receive updates directly from the band office.

The new app will run on the Communikit SaaS mobile app service, which is an advanced mobile app platform created specifically for indigenous communities.

Chief of the Lucky Man Cree Nation, Crystal Okemow, said that the app provides an easy way to communicate with members who are spread out all across Canada. “We are a small nation; nearly our entire registered membership lives off-reserve, spread all across Canada; we needed a fast and easy way to get messages out to our people at any time, and an app gives us that,” said Okemow.

The App works by sending push notifications to users to notify them of different meetings, events, votes, community news, emergency alerts, and important announcements. With push notifications being able to be sent directly to a user’s phone, the new app provides an easy and efficient way of keeping band members informed.

IT Technician Richard Okemow said that when constructing the app, it was important to make sure it was easy and straightforward to use. “We have a lot of elders and other members who are less technically inclined, so making sure that the app is intuitive was of major importance to us; there is even phone and email support available to our members directly from the technical team if they need help at any point,” said Richard Okemow.

The Lucky Man Cree Nation app will work on iPhones, Android phones, and tablets and is available now on Google Play and the App Store.