By Roman Hayter

An award-winning author living in Northern Saskatchewan has released her newest children’s book.

The new book “Fox and Bear” focuses on the consequences of mistreating the world around you. The author of the book, Miriam Korner, has lived in the boreal forest in Northern Saskatchewan for twenty years.

“What the book is really about is that the two animals destroy the forest in which they live and have to deal with the consequences,” said Korner. “The idea for the book came when the clearcutting around my home started to happen and I saw the flowers disappear, and I started to ask myself, do we really need all this lumber and what are we going to be left with when the forest is gone?”

She has always wanted to be a writer and illustrator for children and is now releasing her fifth children’s book.

“I think I always wanted to write and illustrate, but the others in my life always said I should find a job that can make money, but I guess when I went to the bookstores, I always ended up being in the children’s book section and that’s because it’s what I always wanted to do, I wanted to be a writer and illustrator for children and now that I’m in my forties I started publishing books and I think this is my fifth book that’s coming out,” Korner said.

Her newest book took eight months to complete due to her creating all the illustrations herself using recycled cardboard and paper. Korner’s new book is now available to the public and can be found in local bookstores and online at the Red Deer Press. She will also be attending a book launch in La Ronge on December 3.