An educator from Wollaston Lake is the recipient of the University of Regina’s 2020 professional achievement award.

Rosalie Tsannie-Burseth has been working in the education field for over 30 years.

She has served as a teacher, principal, First Nations chief and is currently the associate director of education for the Prince Albert Grand Council.

Tsannie-Burseth is also a residential school survivor and strong advocate for First Nations languages in the education curriculum.

She has taught both young students and teachers in training throughout her time in the education field.

Tsannie-Burseth said some of the most rewarding moments in her career have come from teaching new educators different ways to help students learn more effectively.

“In terms of administration and working with teachers, I found that the most rewarding was for me to help teachers understand the method of teaching, methods of teaching First Nations students with another language, and methods of how we can combine these two teaching methodologies together for the child to understand,” she said.

Tsannie-Burseth is currently working on a PhD and also holds a masters in education degree from the University of Regina.

She said if she could give advice to future educators in university or college right now, it would be to trust yourself and the process.

“It is a life-long journey. Take risks, move forward, never have doubts. Learning is not linear – life happens. However, you have to overcome those obstacles and challenges. At the end of all this, it’s rewarding.”

This is not the first award Tsannie-Burseth has won during her over 30-year career.

Other honours include the Governor General’s Citizenship, Awasis, Role Model, Women of the Dawn and the Lieutenant Governor’s awards.

However, she said this one feels particularly special.

“Every award is really an honour. This is exciting because I feel I contributed to the education world for 30-some years and I feel I have the right to say, ‘I know what I’m talking about.’”

The award is one of the most prestigious given to the university’s alumni.

(PHOTO: Rosalie Tsannie-Burseth. Photo courtesy Rosalie Tsannie-Burseth Facebook page.)