While being a new mother can be challenging enough all on its own, being a new mother during an international health pandemic further compounds these difficulties.

Hailey Cross gave birth to her daughter on Feb. 20.

Less than a month later, Saskatchewan declared a state of emergency.

Since then, the new family has been staying home as much as possible in an effort to remain safe and healthy.

This means Cross has been unable to introduce her daughter Bristol to much of her family and friends since the baby was born.

As part of ensuring the newborn’s safety, she said her daughter is being introduced to most family via phone or online through video chat.

Cross said while she is certainly thankful for both the telephone and virtual support, it has been difficult with little direct contact.

“I am not able to have support physically from my family and friends,” she explained. “They are not able to come over and help with the baby or help around the house. So that’s been super challenging.”

Although she and her young family have been staying close to home most of the time, Cross said she still of course has to venture out to get groceries from time to time.

This creates anxiety of potential contact with the virus.

“Just that fear every time I go to the store—am I going to contract something and bring it home to my family or my baby,” she said. “And then if I were to get sick, I don’t know how I would care for her and nurse her. That, I think, is really scary.”

Cross said her family and friends are anxious to meet her new daughter in person but will have to wait until social distancing restrictions have been lifted, whenever that is.

“They wish they could come over. I send a lot of pictures and we video-call but with a new baby, everyone wants to hold her, obviously.”

(PHOTO: Hailey Cross. Photo submitted by Hailey Cross.)