“I think they should have given him more than they actually gave him,” said Charlene Klyne, upon hearing the Court of Appeal dismiss an appeal of the La Loche shooter to have his sentence changed.

Klyne was one of seven people injured and four dead when the shooter went on a rampage on January 22, 2016.

“I’m glad that he lost his appeal, but he can also go to the Supreme Court and appeal again,” stated Klyne.

On January 22, 2016, the shooter murdered his two cousins.

He then drove to the La Loche Community School where he went on a shooting rampage.

When he was finished, a teacher and a teacher’s aide were dead, seven other people were wounded and a community was devastated.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of first degree murder, two counts of second degree murder and seven counts of attempted murder.

In April, the shooter’s lawyer tried to argue that since the boy was 15 days shy of his 18th birthday, he was eligible for a youth sentence.

The trial judge sentenced him as an adult to life in prison.

The defense suggested the trial judge erred. Yet last Thursday a majority with the Appeals Court concluded that the sentencing was correct and the trial judge did not err.

“It made me happy that he lost the appeal, but it still affects me and my family greatly because it’s wrecked our lives. And all the other people that have been shot or killed or have family members injured or killed,” Klyne explained.