A requested follow up meeting between members of the Justice for Our Stolen Children camp at Wascana Park with various provincial ministers will not be scheduled.

The protesters and the government met July 2 in Fort Qu’Appelle, where the group stated they wanted sweeping changes to the Indigenous child welfare system, adoption processes and the incarceration of First Nations youth.

The protesters also asked for a ministerial roundtable two weeks after their initial meeting to discuss what the government has achieved on their concerns.

Premier Scott Moe says at this point, a second meeting is off the table.

“There are a number of comments that will be provided very shortly, with respect to their request that they had. But as far as organizing another meeting with the individuals, not at this time,” Moe said.

Moe says his government has acted in good faith with the protest group in trying to set up meetings with them and listen to their concerns. He again called for the camp to be dismantled.

“We would also ask that in good faith that the individuals across the way understand that they are in violation of bylaws and start to remove some of the structures that they have there,” said Moe.

NDP critic Carla Beck says the government has dropped the ball in proper engagement with the camp, which has been erected since March.

“They had a chance to deal with these concerns in good faith, going back all the way to March and they chose not to,” Beck explained.

A second protest camp has been established in the province, with Saskatoon now seeing a teepee. The city says it is in support of the camp, calling reconciliation.

Regina police have not moved in to remove the approximately 13 teepees, across from the legislature, rather focusing in on maintaining peace and safety in the area.

(PHOTO: Justice for Our Stolen Children camp at Wascana Park. By Dan Jones.)