Vice-Chief Heather Bear, centre. Photo courtesy FSIN

The FSIN says it welcomes the news of the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women, but it has reservations with the recently released terms of reference.

The federation says the inquiry commissioners must have the power to make direct and effective recommendations on the specific concerns of the families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls — including policing and justice policies and practices.

FSIN Vice-Chief Heather Bear says she still has a lot of questions about how the inquiry will unfold.

“I’m still a little apprehensive in terms of where they are going to begin their inquiry,” she says.  “When are they coming to Saskatchewan?  How are we going to have our families prepared?  Who is going to be selected?”

The FSIN also says the inquiry must examine the full range of systemic issues that perpetuate violence against Indigenous women within all areas of provincial jurisdiction.