Muskowekwan Members Want More Info on Potash

Friday, August 12, 2011 at 14:09



Urban members of the Muskowekwan First Nation continue to request more information on a proposed potash mine in their home community.


Myrna Wolfe and her daughter Pamela Blondeau met with the media in Regina yesterday with their concerns.


They say they are lacking information from the Chief and Council and Encanto Potash Corporation on the possible harmful effects of a potash mine.


Encanto signed a joint venture agreement with Muskowekwan Resources Limited last November for the first potash mine located on a First Nation.


Wolfe says she was excited at the prospect of the community overcoming poverty, until she did some research.


Blondeau says she is seeking input from surrounding First Nations and communities who are concerned with the possible environmental damage to the land and water.


Encanto says its work to develop a potash mine on the Muskowekwan First Nation is still in the exploration stage.


Spokesperson Rod Hope says an environmental study will only happen once leases have been approved by Aboriginal Affairs, and then the studies will take two years.


Hope says a referendum date was announced for October, but it may yet change.


Chief Reg Bellerose believes the upcoming referendum will be favourable, and he does not see a problem with drilling on the land before the vote is held because the resources were surrendered in 1968.


Bellerose notes Encanto has already invested $13 million in the project, according to a Band Council Resolution.