Youth Curfew A Go In La Ronge

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 13:34



A new youth curfew in the town of La Ronge will come into effect on July 8th.


The measure was approved recently by La Ronge Town Council in the form of a bylaw.


Essentially, anyone under the age of 18 will not be allowed to roam the streets past 11 pm and before 6 am.


The push for the bylaw came in the wake of tire slashings and other vandalism in the community, which have been taking place mainly at night while young people are wandering the streets.


La Ronge RCMP Sergeant Ron Link says parents and guardians will be the ones held responsible if their children break the curfew.


Parents can be fined under the curfew — the first offence will cost $50 and the second and subsequent offences, $100.


La Ronge Mayor Joe Hordyski says the town council saw no other option.


Hordyski says the time is right for parents to be held accountable for their children’s actions.


Air Ronge approved a youth curfew bylaw last year. The Lac La Ronge Indian Band is working on one of its own.