Veteran Native Victim Services Worker Honoured
Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 14:09
A North Battleford man, originally from the Muskeg Lake First Nation, has received an award for long-time service to Battlefords Victim Services.
Victim Services provides counselling and support for people who have been victimized by crime or other traumatic events.
Harold Greyeyes was a founding member when the agency was started up in 1993.
Greyeyes served on the board for about 15 years, much longer than he intended to.
He notes that when the agency was first created, one of the stipulations was that no board member sit on the board for longer than three years.
He says the board was forced to waive that, because Victims Services had difficulty recruiting First Nations board members.
Greyeyes says he is still trying to recruit them.