Testimony Continues At Outfitter Trial

Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 16:52



The defence began presenting its case this morning in a trial that involves a Stanley Mission-area fishing camp accused of violating terms of its outfitting licence for the second time.


Sportman’s Lodge manager Ruffo Schindler is being cross-examined today in La Ronge Provincial Court.


Schindler has been named, along with lodge owner Isaac Ens, in charges that allege they knowingly exceeded their angler day use allocation on Trout Lake and provided Saskatchewan Environment with false and misleading information.


During testimony yesterday, it was learned that conservation officers set up and executed a sting operation on Trout Lake in the summer of 2006.


According to photos and documentation submitted in court, the fishing camp hired guides to fish with clients on Trout Lake on days that were not marked in their record books.


When a guide took the stand earlier today, he testified that sometimes guides would stop and fish on Trout Lake — even when they were told not to by management.


Sportsman’s Lodge was convicted on similar charges in 2001 and had to pay $20,000 in fines and stop using Trout Lake for three years.


Testimony is continuing this afternoon.