Technicality Prolongs Fond du Lac Chief Election

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 14:14



After initially declaring incumbent Victor Fern the winner of the election for chief in Fond du Lac, election officials are now saying the vote is likely headed to a fourth ballot.


According to chief electoral officer Bertha Mercredi, Fern captured 102 votes in yesterday’s third ballot, while challenger Albert Mercredi received 95.


In most circumstances, the winner of a ballot with two names wins the election.


However, Bertha Mercredi says under band election rules, a candidate has to capture the majority of all votes cast.


Mercredi says, because there were 11 spoiled ballots, one of them had to capture 105 votes to be declared the winner.


She says a recount is taking place this afternoon.


If the recount doesn’t change anything, a fourth ballot will be held at the band hall, beginning at 4:00 p.m.