Stolen Sisters Remembered By Hundreds At Banquet

Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 13:09



A few hundred people turned out for a celebration of female First Nations leadership in Saskatoon last night.


The Saskatchewan First Nations Women’s Commission held its fourth annual banquet.


This year’s theme centred around the plight of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.


A special tribute was played in memory of the late Dahleen Bosse Muskego.


Officials from the RCMP, Regina police, Montreal Lake search and rescue and other organizations all discussed their methods of trying to track down missing people.


Alma Kytwayhat is an FSIN senator from the Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation.


Kytwayhat believes more community effort is needed when Aboriginal women go missing — and says grassroots citizens should join their leaders in making an appeal for help.


She adds she was very touched by the theme of this year’s banquet and prays constantly for the missing women and their families.