Rash of Cabin Break-Ins Near Pelican Narrows
Friday, August 06, 2004 at 13:56
The Pelican Narrows RCMP is reporting a number of break-ins and thefts at several outpost camps in the region.
They’re asking for the public’s help in solving the most recent case, which occured sometime between June 15th and June 30th.
Thieves broke into a recreational cabin located about 20 kilometres southwest of Pelican Narrows and made off with several items — including a 9.9 Horsepower Outboard Mercury 4-stroke motor.
They also took fishing rods and reels and a wide variety of other fishing and camping gear.
They apparently made off with the outboard motor by cutting a hold in the bottom of an aluminum boat.
They entered the cabin by breaking the padlock off of the front door.
Anyone with information on this crime is asked to contact the Pelican Narrows RCMP at 632-3300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.