Rally Held For Victim Of 2001 Sexual Assault

Friday, August 21, 2009 at 17:20



A rally was held at the Saskatchewan legislative building in Regina today to support the young victim of a 2001 Tisdale-area sexual assault.


The now 20-year-old victim is calling for an inquiry and a review into the case.


“I want to thank everyone out here today for coming out and supporting us here. I’m not someone comfortable speaking in public — this isn’t easy for me — but I believe in the importance (of this matter) for myself and my family and other First Nations children. So we come here today to demand an inquiry to this case. And all I want is the truth out,” the young woman says.


Eight years ago, three men were accused of sexually assaulting the girl when she was 12 years old.


Two of the men were acquitted, and one was sentenced to serve two years of house arrest.


The Saskatchewan Coalition Against Racism hosted the event.