Province Announces Dates Of Duty-To-Consult Talks

Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 15:08



The Saskatchewan Party government says the duty-to-consult round table discussion with First Nations and Metis leaders it promised in the recent election will take place in May.


Premier Brad Wall says First Nations and Metis people are “a very important part of this government’s plan for the future”, and adds industries investing in the province must respect and involve Aboriginal people.


Aboriginal leaders, industry representatives and other interest groups will participate in the meeting.


Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Chief Lawrence Joseph welcomes the announcement, saying First Nations people have many concerns and suggestions they hope to be addressed at the conference.


Metis Nation – Saskatchewan President Robert Doucette says he is looking forward to “getting Metis input into the Aboriginal consultation policy”.


The two-day round table will be held May 12th and 13th in Saskatoon.