Poll Finds Public Sympathetic To Native Issues
Monday, June 25, 2007 at 16:54
A new Ipsos Reid poll indicates that an overwhelming majority of Canadians are sympathetic to the plights and concerns of First Nations people.
The poll for CanWest News Service shows that 77 per cent of people surveyed feel that way.
However, the poll also indicates that Canadians believe that Native protests and blockades are not the best strategy for dealing with the issues.
In another finding, 58 per cent of respondents believe that no matter what the government does to settle Aboriginal land claims, Aboriginal groups will always ask for more.
The poll also suggests that 80 per cent of Canadians believe treaties signed by the Canadian government should be honoured because they’re binding agreements, which is up from 75 percent from the last survey.
Ipsos Reid surveyed 1,000 Canadians by phone last week.