Plans for 2007 Metis Election in Jeopardy

Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 16:20



Prospects for a new Metis election in Saskatchewan may have hit a snag.


The Provincial Metis Council and an independent oversight committee failed to reach a consensus during a meeting this week.


Marilyn Poitras, the head of the committee, says her group presented a new plan to the PMC that would see a vote held in June.


She says the provincial government is pushing for a spring election and she believes June is the earliest one could happen.


Poitras says that means they need to start preparing soon, and she was hoping to get the go-ahead from the PMC before Christmas.


However, she says the plan idea got a less-than-enthusiastic reaction from the council.


The head of the PMC, Guy Bouvier, says he isn’t impressed with how the provincial government is treating officials with the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan.


He also says his group needs more time to consult with the grassroots Metis before giving its answer.


Bouvier insists the only way a new election will take place is if a Metis Nation Legislative Assembly (MNLA) is called first.


He also says a new vote would have to wait until four months after that gathering.