PAGC Hosts Political Summit

Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 15:03



The Prince Albert Grand Council is set to discuss a wide range of political issues over the next few days.


This morning, chiefs and delegates of the PAGC’s 12 bands began their annual political summit in Prince Albert.


Housing, resource development and questions about the capping of education dollars from the federal government are just a few of the topics up for discussion.


Chief Harry Cook of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band says one of the key concerns for him centres around both the provincial and federal governments’ duty to consult.


Cook feels, too often, both levels of government tip-toe around First Nations when it suits them — and that is something he says that needs to be raised.


Cook adds the summit is a very important process as it’s the only time chiefs and councillors can discuss certain political matters.


Presentations from Indian Affairs and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations are also part of the agenda.