Nuclear Report Draws Reaction From FSIN, MN-S

Monday, April 06, 2009 at 14:48



The Metis Nation – Saskatchewan says the province has to become more engaged with Metis citizens when it comes to the possibility of further uranium development.


MN-S President Robert Doucette is responding to a report released Friday by the Uranium Development Partnership.


The document includes a call for Saskatchewan to work with Ottawa to establish clear parameters and accountabilities on the duty to consult.


Doucette says there wasn’t Metis representation on that board — but First Nations people were involved.


He says the government has a duty to consult with the Metis if any development has an effect on Metis people or their lands.


Doucette says that has to go beyond just talking to the Metis, and must include a plan to accommodate Metis interests.


Doucette notes there is one day set aside for the province to hear from First Nations and Metis people on the subject, which he says isn’t enough.


He says he encourages Metis people to go to the other meetings across the province — and adds he is going to send a letter to the Premier Brad Wall today regarding his concerns.


The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations says it has to be consulted “every step of the way” when it comes to nuclear energy.


Vice-Chief Delbert Wapass says First Nations have the United Nations on their side, noting Article 29 affirms that Indigenous people must give their free, prior and informed consent before hazardous materials are stored or disposed of on their lands.