Northern Metis Leader Solidly In Chartier’s Corner
Monday, September 10, 2007 at 14:05
A member of the Provincial Metis Council says ousted national Metis leader Clem Chartier still has his supporters in Saskatchewan.
Clearwater-Clear Lake area director Marlene Hansen says she still recognizes Chartier as the president of the Metis National Council, and she believes a majority of the provincial council still backs him.
Chartier has launched a legal challenge of his dismissal last month.
A judge has since temporarily suspended operations at the natioinal organization while Chartier’s injunction is dealt with.
Hansen says most provincial Metis leaders are appreciative of Chartier’s work on Metis harvesting rights, and don’t understand why he was dismissed so close to an MNC election.
Chartier says he will be seeking re-election, but doesn’t know how much support he will get from Saskatchewan delegates next month.
Metis Nation of Saskatchewan president Robert Doucette is one of the four MNC governors who removed Chartier from office.
Doucette hasn’t been available for comment.