Northern Lenders Show Organizer Happy With Turnout

Friday, April 04, 2008 at 13:03



Would-be entrepreneurs in northern Saskatchewan had the opportunity to weigh their options in La Ronge yesterday.


Organizers say this year’s Northern Lenders Show was a resounding success.


People were lined lined up before the doors even opened yesterday, looking to get advice from 15 different lenders on how to open a business.


Bill Hogan with Visions North says there are plenty of financing options in the North, and more initiatives seem to be showing up daily.


Hogan says they hold this event every year because his group is visited by a lot of people say they have an idea for a business, but don’t know where to go.


He believes many potential business owners generally know what is available in the North, but are not as familiar with other lending agencies in southern Saskatchewan.