Northern Election Candidates Ready For Campaign

Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at 15:23



Party candidates in northern Saskatchewan are gearing up for the October 14th federal election.


George Morin of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation has accepted the candidacy for the Green Party in Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River.


He says none of the other parties have produced for the region, and it’s time to try the different approach the Green Party offers.


Morin says the one thing the Green Party can provide northerners that the other ones can’t is the seriousness with which it treats environmental issues.


NDP candidate Brian Morin says he hopes constituents take into account his strong northern roots when deciding who to vote for this time around.


The Buffalo Narrows resident says he feels very comfortable with the bread-and-butter approach the NDP offers working families.


Morin says he hopes more northerners come out to vote than in the March by-election.


Liberal candidate David Orchard says his party’s pledge to revive the Kelowna Accord and sign onto the United Nations declaration affirming Indigenous rights are just a few examples of how his party differs from the others.


The organic farmer says he has seen too much poverty in the north, and that needs to change.


Orchard feels his recent political nomination has helped him spread his message, noting 1,800 people bought party memberships in that campaign.


Conservative Party candidate and current MP Rob Clarke hasn’t been able to be reached since the election call, but did speak about the election during a stop in La Ronge last week.


Clarke says he’s been ready for this vote since his by-election win in March — and says he’s had a busy summer visiting communities across the riding.


Clarke says he plans to work just as hard as he did in the by-election.