Native People Urged To Become Politically Active

Monday, September 29, 2008 at 15:26



Today is the Assembly of First Nations’ National Day of Political Action.


The campaign is aimed at encouraging voting amongst First Nations voters and increasing the profile of Aboriginal issues in the federal election.


National Chief Phil Fontaine is calling on all federal parties to lay out clear platforms that state how they intend to improve the quality of life for First Nations citizens.


The AFN and its National Youth Council are also calling on all First Nations citizens to write to the country’s largest television networks, demanding that questions on First Nations issues be put to party leaders during this week’s televised debates on Wednesday and Thursday.


The AFN believes First Nations citizens can influence the outcome of this election and the future of First Nations public policy — given the slim margin of victory in over 50 ridings in the last general election, and the fact there are more than 800,000 First Nations citizens in this country, many of whom are of voting age.


AFN National Youth Co-chair Ken Watts notes that more than 115,000 First Nations young people aged 18 to 30 are of voting age, representing a significant number of the total First Nations voting age population.