More Work To Be Done Post-Apology: Lonechild

Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 16:55



A former vice-chief of the FSIN says today’s national Day of Reconciliation can be a day of healing and action.


The Assembly of First Nations declared today, June 11th, as a Day of Reconciliation, to honour the one-year anniversary of the federal government’s apology for residential schools.


Guy Lonechild says it’s a significant day, where all Canadians can come together to first celebrate the apology, but then focus on what still needs to be done.


Lonechild says there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the lives of First Nations people, and he encourages all politicians to keep advocating for that work to be done, and not just let things stop at the apology.


Lonechild is running for chief of the FSIN, in the coming fall election.