MNS Alleges Police Harassment in Election Probe

Friday, January 21, 2005 at 15:34



The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan is taking direct aim at the RCMP over its investigation of the Metis election last year.


The Mounties are investigating allegations of electoral fraud.


MNS president Dwayne Roth says he has no problem with the fact the RCMP has launched an investigation, but he accuses the force of using questionable tactics.


Roth alleges some Metis people that have been interviewed by the Mounties were victims of police harassment, and felt threatened and intimidated during questioning.


Roth also says there’s evidence the RCMP has opened the ballot boxes used in the MNS election, which he says compromises the boxes’ integrity.


Presidential rival Robert Doucette is dismissing Roth’s complaints as an act of desperation, and says the Mounties are just doing their job.