Metis Leader Plans To Scrutinize Election Campaign

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 15:06



The president of the Metis National Council is encouraging northerners to closely question all the federal election candidates in the Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River riding.


Clem Chartier says those running for the northern Saskatchewan seat should tell constituents how they plan to address Metis hunting and fishing rights, veterans issues and compensation for boarding school survivors.


Chartier says he believes substantial progress was made with the Conservative government in the most recent parliamentary session.


He points to last week’s signing of a Metis protocol with Ottawa as something that will aid the Metis Nation in relations with the government.


However, he says political turmoil at the MNC over the past year prevented the two sides from establishing as close a relationship as they could have had.


Chartier says the MNC will be watching for parties to bring up issues specific to the Metis people.