Meadow Lake Looking to Keep Northern Visitors

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 13:07



With a link from La Loche to Fort McMurray on the horizon, there are some Meadow Lake businesses that are worried their northern customers may do their shopping across the border.


With that in mind, the town’s Chamber of Commerce and the Northwest Regional Economic Development Agency are working on ways to show their northern clients why they should continue to shop in Meadow Lake.


Chamber President Donna Aldous hopes northern residents will continue to travel to Meadow Lake to do the majority of their shopping, but she admits it might mean giving those customers a little more incentive to do business with local retailers.


Aldous says a number of local businesses have come together to work on ways at retaining their northern customers. That includes the idea to stage an event called “Northern Appreciation Days”, which will most likely run in conjunction with the Meadow Lake Stampede in mid-June.


Aldous adds the Chamber of Commerce is always open to suggestions from residents of the North as to what they would like to see from Meadow Lake businesses.