Leaders Applaud Shuffle at Northern Affairs

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 at 13:28



Northern leaders are welcoming news of a fairly significant change in the Northern Affairs department.


Alan Parkinson is no longer the deputy minister of Northern Affairs — that position has temporarily been handed to long-time northern civil servant Glenn McKenzie, who has been serving as the department’s assistant deputy minister.


Parkinson has been transferred to Saskatchewan Environment, where he will serve as associate deputy minister.


He left a role in government in B-C to accept the position with Saskatchewan Northern Affairs in 2002.


But several leaders in the North are saying they had a hard time establishing a good rapport with him during his time with Northern Affairs.


Ile-a-la-Crosse mayor Max Morin says Parkinson’s unfamiliarity with northern issues was a concern for northern leaders.


As well, Morin says they didn’t like the fact Parkinson was based in Regina and not in a northern community.


Morin feels McKenzie is a good choice to replace Parkinson, especially since he has spent several years in the North and continues to live there.