La Loche Youth Anxious to Join Army Cadet Corps

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 13:17



An initiative to start up an army cadet corps program for young people in La Loche is getting a lot of interest from local residents.


The local RCMP, the village of La Loche and the Clearwater River Dene Nation organized informational meetings for parents and youth last week and brought in a representative from the Cadet League of Canada to answer questions.


RCMP Staff Sergeant Bruce McStay says, since those meetings, about 100 young people in La Loche have expressed interest in the program — and 60 youth have already completed their application form.


The cadet program is geared at young people from 12 to 18 years of age.


In addition to military-type training, the program offers youth a chance to develop skills in marksmanship, survival, mountaineering and white-water rafting.


Leadership training and physical fitness are also major aspects of the cadet corps.


McStay is not surprised by the interest shown in the program already, since La Loche youth often make mention of a lack of local activities.


McStay also says community leaders hope to introduce a youth drop-in centre to help address the issue of teens getting into trouble with the law because of boredom.


McStay says they hope to have the cadet corps program up and running in La Loche within 2 months.