Healers Share Knowledge From Around Globe

Friday, August 07, 2009 at 13:23



A healing gathering at the Poundmaker First Nation has been a great success, according to spokesman Bryan Tootoosis.


The week-long event featured healers from across the world applying their traditional knowledge.


Even Aboriginal healers from New Zealand attended.


Tootoosis says sometimes Aboriginal people need help from their own traditional medicines, instead of going to the doctor or hospital.


“One day you can go and see a doctor, and maybe that’s not the answer for you. You go back to your own culture, and we do have medicines from Mother Earth that look after and have a role to play within your body system,” Tootoosis says.


He says over the week, hundreds of people took advantage of the event to receive help from those healers.


The gathering wraps up this afternoon with an address by FSIN Chief Lawrence Joseph.