Harper’s Pledge To Ile-a-la-Crosse Raised In House

Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 14:12



A former student at the Ile-a-la-Crosse boarding school is not impressed with comments made in the House of Commons by a Conservative cabinet minister this week.


Don Favel is referring to a response from Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl to a question asked by Liberal Aborginal Affairs critic Anita Neville this past Monday.


Neville asked why Stephen Harper is “brutally breaking his word” by reneging on a 2006 election campaign promise to compensate the former students.


In response, Strahl didn’t address Harper’s promise directly — but did say that the Assembly of First Nations, the churches and the government all agreed on the criteria for compensation included in the residential school settlement agreement.


Favel says the Tories seem to “shy away” from the Ile-a-la-Crosse boarding school issue whenever it’s brought up.


He also says the former students are exploring the possibility of launching a separate lawsuit against Harper — in addition to the class-action lawsuit already in the works.


Favel has given newly-elected Tory MP Rob Clarke 90 days to change the government’s mind on the issue — but says he has yet to hear back from Clarke.