Green Lake Hoping To Start Fruit Processing

Friday, September 18, 2009 at 13:00



A meeting in Green Lake next month could result in a jam factory that would create jobs for Aboriginal people.


It would produce not only jam from berries, but also other products, such as fruit bars and chocolate-covered blueberries.


A Swiss company is interested in getting involved. It’s sending a consultant to Saskatoon on Oct. 18.


The consultant will then head up to Green Lake for the meeting.


Rick Richardson of Green Lake and his wife Rose have been working on the project for about nine years.


Richardson says representatives of Aboriginal groups and the province have also been invited to the gathering.


He says the purpose of the meeting is to introduce the factory concept, and hopefully get partners to help fund it.


“We have to find ways of creating partnerships and getting the seed money to actually get things off the ground,” he says.


Richardson says a British Columbia university conducted a study on the project, and it appears to have huge potential.