FSIN Chief Says New Housing Funds Will Help

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 13:57



The chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations says he likes what he sees so far from a new funding announcement for on-reserve housing in the province.


However, Lawrence Joseph is looking forward to seeing the fine print of how the federal government intends to spend the promised $60 million.


Joseph says there is lots that needs to be spelled out about how the money will be delivered and who is eligible — including whether there is money set aside for people who leave reserves for jobs or training.


He also isn’t sure to what extent the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation will be involved in the dispersal of the funds.


Joseph notes there are many housing needs on reserves, such as the renovation of substandard housing.


According to a government news release, the money is also aimed at stimulating the economy and assisting bands in making the transition to market-based housing on reserves.