FSIN Chief Hoping To Meet Pope Benedict

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 15:42



The chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations hopes to be part of a private audience with Pope Benedict next week at the Vatican.


Chief Lawrence Joseph is travelling with an Assembly of First Nations delegation of elected officials and residential school survivors.


The purpose is to hear a formal statement from the pope, recognizing the role the Catholic Church played in residential schools.


Joseph says an apology would also be nice, but he would be happy with an acknowledgement.


He hopes that the Catholic Church will also consider working with First Nations to deal with the issues associated with residential school impacts and provide funding.


A private audience with the pope has not been confirmed yet, but the delegation will at least be part of a public event.


Joseph says even without the private audience, he is going to give a paper to the pope’s officials, outlining possible ways to heal, reconcile and move forward.