Fond du Lac Chief Election Heads To Third Ballot

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 15:16



Voters in Fond du Lac are going to a third ballot in their election for chief.


Incumbent Victor Fern finished with the most votes in yesterday’s first ballot and this morning’s second ballot — but didn’t have enough votes in either instance to capture a majority.


Challengers Rita Adam, Albert Mercredi and Alex P. Mercredi also survived the first ballot, but only Fern and Albert Mercredi are left for this afternoon’s third ballot.


Fern received 75 votes in the second ballot, while Mercredi finished with 55 votes. Election officials say a total of 245 members voted.


Fellow challengers Caroline Isadore and Earl McDonald were dropped from the ballot following yesterday’s voting.


Third ballot voting is underway and will conclude at 5:00 this afternoon.


Results are expected to be made known this evening.


Meantime, we now know who will sit on the Fond du Lac band council over the next couple of years.


Tanya Pacquette, Joyce Stenne, Marilyn Fern, Joe Martin, Willie John Laurent and Georgie McDonald were all voted into office.


McDonald and Laurent are the only incumbents from the previous council.