First Nations Leaders Excited By Farming Deal

Friday, March 27, 2009 at 14:57



The chief of the Little Black Bear First Nation says he is hopeful more and more reserve land in Saskatchewan will one day be farmed.


It was announced yesterday that Sprott Resource Corporation out of Toronto is partnering up with several bands in Saskatchewan to create a super farming operation.


The venture has been named One Earth Farms and will lease reserve land to be used for crops and cattle operations.


Seventeen First Nations are involved, including some from Alberta.


Chief Clarence Bellegarde says he likes the fact bands are being given joint ownership over the business arrangement and will have the chance to create jobs close to home.


Bellegarde hopes to see operations begin by the fall.


He says the new partnership has between 25,000 and 50,000 acres to start with.


Bellegarde hopes that will grow to over a million acres in ten years.


The list of the Saskatchewan bands that are on board with the venture includes the Starblanket, Thunderchild, Little Black Bear and Muskowekwan First Nations.