Film About Former Sex Trade Workers About “Hope”

Friday, August 22, 2008 at 14:01



A film about sex trade workers who managed to get off the street will be shown at the North Battleford Public Library next week.


“Hookers”, a documentary by Saskatoon filmmaker Marcel Petit, will be shown at Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.


A discussion with former sex trade workers will follow.


Petit got the idea for the documentary about four years ago — around the time the Robert Pickton case started making headlines.


He says lots of documentaries about sex trade workers came out at that time, but were too depressing.


While he says it’s good to scare people in order to show them what could happen to them — he is more interested in “showing hope”.


Petit says he knows many of the women profiled in the film. In fact, he says some of them even babysat him when he was a child.