Docken Named Interim MNS President
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 15:03
The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan has a new interim president and vice-president.
The position of president was left vacant when Clem Chartier accepted the role of president of the Metis National Council.
MNS vice-president Lorna Docken has moved into the postition of interim president.
The position of interim vice-president has been filled by Alec Maurice of Beauval.
Maurice says a constitutional ammendment that was passed at the Metis Nation Legislative Assembly was defeated at this past weekend’s MNS meeting in Saskatoon. It would have allowed the Provincial Metis Council to select an interim president from within its ranks.
Instead, delegates at the assembly approved a motion to have Docken assume the MNS presidency.
Maurice says he’ll be running for the position of president at the next MNS general election on May 26th.