Details Emerge On Wild Rice Insurance Coverage

Friday, February 23, 2007 at 15:02



Wild rice harvesters in northern Saskatchewan have between now and March 31st to sign up for crop insurance for 2007 under a pilot project announced yesterday.


The provincial government says it will offer coverage to producers on a one-year trial basis through the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Program.


Program manager Stan Benjamin says his department will contact wild rice growers over the next few weeks to see if they’re interested — although, he admits demand for the coverage in the past has been high.


He explains production averages will be used over the past few years to give adjusters some sense of what to expect.


The program will then offer a percentage of that figure as coverage to the rice harvesters.


If the producers grow less than that, payouts can occur.


Benjamin says anyone with questions should call (306) 953-2781 for details.