Conservatives’ Aboriginal Platform Now In Writing

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 at 14:58



Three paragraphs in the Conservative Party’s 44-page platform are dedicated to what the party would do specifically for Aboriginal people.


Released yesterday, the platform says a Conservative government would ensure Aboriginal people have the opportunity to fully participate in the country’s economy and society.


It goes on to say improving Aboriginal education is key to giving young Aboriginals the chance to succeed.


The platform also says the Conservatives would work to complete tripartite education agreements with provinces and First Nations organizations similar to those in New Brunswick and BC.


Finally, the platform says the party would pursue bilateral agreements with provinces to address the wrongs of the residential school era for Aboriginal people who attended schools not covered by the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement.


The party hasn’t specified how much this will cost.


However, its Aboriginal platform is under a broader category, which is slated to cost $590 million over four years.