Brazeau Repeats Call For Human Rights Legislation
Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 14:49
The leader of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples says the federal government needs to repeal Section 67 of the Canadian Human Rights Act as soon as possible.
Patrick Brazeau talked about the issue this week in Cumberland House.
Brazeau says there should be no delay in striking down the exemption — which prevents human rights challenges on-reserve — and he doesn’t buy arguments that a “phasing-in” period is necessary.
Brazeau says many local residents have told him they support that initiative.
The congress has been critized by other First Nations groups for seemingly agreeing to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s policies too readily, and for a perceived lack of accountability.
Brazeau says he’s also aware his group recently came under fire from some chiefs who deny its legitimacy.
He says he won’t engage in a war of words, but insists he does answer to grassroots members.
Brazeau says any off-reserve band member can belong to CAP.
The membership lists are held by select officials in each province.