Beaucage Expected To Unveil Bid For National Chief

Monday, February 02, 2009 at 14:27



The chief of Ontario’s Anishinabek Nation is expected to toss his hat into the ring for the leadership of the Assembly of First Nations at a news conference tomorrow.


John Beaucage is a well-known figure in First Nations politics in eastern Canada.


His declaration will bring to two the number of people who have declared their candidacy in the campaign.


The other challenger so far is Perry Bellegarde, the former chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.


Bellegarde says he hasn’t heard word yet of any other competitors, but notes it wouldn’t be unprecedented if there was just two candidates.


He says he doesn’t know if incumbent AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine will decide to run again for another term.


The election takes place in Calgary in July.


Bellegarde is currently campaigning in Ontario, and is making plans to travel to B.C. and Alberta after that.