Aboriginal Organizations Get Face Time With Harper

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 13:37



The Prime Minister held a meeting yesterday with five of the country’s Aboriginal groups.


The session was intended to give all of the parties a chance to voice their thoughts and ideas about the upcoming First Ministers Meeting.


Regina’s Kevin Daniels was one of the people at yesterday’s session.


The vice-chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples says gangs, housing and education are all issues he expects to see raised at the January 15th gathering.


Daniels will represent the congress at the First Ministers Meeting instead of CAP leader Patrick Brazeau, who was recently appointed to the Senate.


Daniels says the congress hasn’t had time yet to discuss whether or not Brazeau will be staying on as leader.


However, he thinks Brazeau will do a fine job in the Senate, and he is prepared to step in to replace him if need be.


Daniels adds the final decision is up to Brazeau.