The province has partnered with the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies to deliver new forestry training programs. 

The Forestry Log Haul Step Program will support up to 20 people in gaining the experience required to become a fully licensed log haul driver. After completion. SIIT will also assist new drivers in finding employment opportunities and establishing connections with employers in the forestry sector. 

“SIIT is committed to supporting First Nation’s continued growth in the natural resource sector,” SIIT Vice President of Employment Development and Career Services Lisa Shingoose said. “No group has more experience with responsible stewardship of the land nor a more vested interest in its sustainability. SIIT is very thankful for this investment and the training it will support.” 

The funding will also support the purchase of two Simlog Simulators for SIIT’s mobile job connection program, which helps job seekers in First Nation and northern communities gain virtual work-site training. 

“Our government is continuously identifying labour market and economic development opportunities in northern Saskatchewan to ensure everyone in the North benefits from Saskatchewan’s growing natural resource sector,” Minister of Immigration and Career Training Jeremy Harrison said. “This investment will help fill the thousands of jobs our forestry sector is creating in northern Saskatchewan. Partnerships like this are an essential component of the province’s labour market strategy, ensuring Saskatchewan people have access to the skills and training needed to fill the jobs our economy is creating.” 

A total of $505,000 in funding will be allocated to support the programs.