The Saskatoon Police Service has a new chief.

On Friday afternoon, the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners announced who they had chosen to fill the role former chief Troy Cooper retired from earlier this year.

The board chose to hire from within and promote deputy chief Cameron McBride to the position of chief.

“Incoming Chief McBride, both through his achievements in his 27-year policing career and through this recruitment process, demonstrated to the board his exceptional leadership skills, an ability to think strategically, and an absolute commitment to upholding the principles of justice and public service in our community,” said Shirley Greyeyes, Chair of the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners.

When addressing the public after the announcement was made, McBride says, as the new chief of police, he wants to build better trust in the community.

“We want to allow the community inform how we police and coming to a shared understanding of what ewe need to do together because we know community safety is not a police issue it is a community issue and we are all in it together.” said McBride.

McBride will assume the new role on May 16 and will serve a 5-year term.

(PHOTO – The Saskatoon Police Service’s incoming police chief Cameron McBride.  Photo by Joel Willick.)