The Touchwood Agency Tribal Council is today unveiling a monument honourning Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two Spirited People.

The event Tuesday morning opened with the presentation of the Jingle Dress Dancers that honoured the 64 MMIWG2S+ families.

“Chiefs and Leadership of TATC support honor the families of the MMIWG2S+ and ensured the success of the project autonomy and voice of MMIWG2S+ Families. Principles ‘Families First”, and ‘nothing about us without us’ provide and protect the special and unique issues of the Indigenous women. The long-standing oppression and implicit violence against Indigenous women in government policy and historical and existing systems of Canadian society established the basis of this on-going tragedy. The rebuilding and reclaiming of our community strengths begin with our women. The healing of our Nations is dependent upon the strengthening of our women and families. Their resiliency in the face of tragedy of losing or having a loved one missing is a testament to the strength inherent in women and in our Nations,” said a press release.

The monument is located at the Touchwood Agency Tribal Council Office on the Muskowekwan First Nation.

(Photo courtesy of Facebook.)